6 Benefits of Smoking CBD Hemp Flower

Out of the over 130 compounds present in the cannabis plant, none has received the attention and spotlight comparable to that of cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol has been widely popularized due to its immense medicinal properties. Indeed, CBD is the most therapeutic extract of the cannabis plant.

Experts recommend cannabidiol for a wide spectrum of conditions. The best part is that it comes with almost no side effects. If side effects do occur, they are commonly mild and not long-lasting.

Another great thing to love about CBD is that unlike its cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it doesn’t come with any mind-altering effects. As it lacks the psychotropic properties of THC, you can use the substance without worrying about experiencing the famous “high.” That makes it incredibly easy for patients on CBD to not only monitor their conditions but also establish their ideal CBD doses.

One of the main  concerns among CBD users is how to consume the substance. In this post, we shall discuss smoking CBD hemp flower and its many benefits.

Ways to Consume CBD

The following are the most popular ways to consume CBD:

  • Dripping CBD oil tinctures beneath the tongue
  • Vaping CBD e-juice
  • Swallowing CBD capsules and tablets
  • CBD edibles, such as gummies
  • Applying CBD ointments and topicals

The choice of one method of CBD consumption over the others depends on three main factors, including how fast-acting the method of administration is, bioavailability, and convenience. For instance, CBD oil tinctures and vape juice are known to deliver faster results compared to the other methods.

Bioavailability means how much of the CBD you consume from a product actually enters your bloodstream. Sublingual tinctures and CBD vape juice also score relatively high in terms of bioavailability. When it comes to convenience, CBD gummies and capsules rank higher than the other methods of consumption.

Now, many CBD users are breaking away from these traditional methods of CBD consumption and embracing smoking CBD hemp flowers.

The following are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy by smoking CBD hemp flowers.

1.    Relatively Affordable

Admittedly, the popularity of cannabis has increased over the past few years. However, the price of various CBD products, such as CBD oil tinctures and CBD vape juice, remains inhibitive for most people. Indeed, it’s difficult to find cheap weed and in most cases, buyers have to make a tradeoff between affordability and quality.

One of the reasons behind the cost-inhibitive nature of most CBD products is the high cost of manufacturing these products. However, CBD hemp flower is considerably cheaper than many other CBD products. The fact that CBD hemp flower is mostly available in dry weight makes it easier to buy in bulk at reduced prices.

2.    Won’t Get You High

Many people associate cannabis with the feeling of euphoria. Unknown to them, cannabis is actually a genus of a plant that comprises various strains, including Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis, etc. Now, hemp is mostly derived from indica strains. These cannabis species are marked for their high levels of CBD and insignificant levels of THC.

Therefore, smoking CBD hemp flower ensures that you enjoy all the therapeutic properties of cannabidiol without worrying about the psychotropic effects of tetrahydrocannabinol. While some users report mild calming effects after smoking CBD hemp flower, those feelings don’t compare to the “high” that THC has.

3.    Fast-Acting

Another notable benefit of smoking CBD hemp flower is that it’s a faster way to enjoy the therapeutic effects of CBD. As we mentioned earlier, the length of time it takes to notice the effects of CBD is one of the crucial factors to consider when choosing a method of consumption.

When you smoke CBD hemp flower, the cannabinoids in the substance are carried by the smoke directly to your lungs, where they instantly enter your bloodstream. That’s in contrast to taking CBD oil tinctures, whose effects may take between 30 minutes to one hour to kick in.

Smoking CBD hemp flower ranks even higher in terms of effectiveness, compared to other slower-acting methods of CBD consumption, such as edibles, ointments, or capsules.

4.    Delivers Higher Bioavailability

The bioavailability of smoking CBD hemp flower is as high as 50 percent. That’s higher than CBD oil, whose bioavailability is a paltry 20 percent. When you consume CBD oil or edibles, the substance has to go through your digestive system. As that happens, some of the cannabinoids in the CBD are destroyed, leaving only a handful entering your bloodstream.

On the contrary, smoking CBD hemp flower introduces CBD directly into your lungs and your bloodstream. No digestion is involved, which means more cannabinoids enter your system. A higher bioavailability implies so you can enjoy the benefits of CBD by experimenting with low doses, which reflects positively on your overall health and finances.

5.    It’s Legal

There’s no denying the fact that hemp-derived products are more legal than their marijuana-based counterparts. This is because it has a lot to do with the low levels of THC in hemp plants compared to marijuana. Most people who shy away from smoking cannabis are usually unaware of the herb’s legal status.

However, it’s reassuring to know that you can smoke CBD hemp flower in any of the 50 states in the US without running afoul of the law.  The signing into law of the 2018 Hemp Bill by President Donald Trump made it legal to cultivate, trade, and use hemp-based products. You only need to ensure that those products contain a maximum of 0.3 percent of  THC concentration.

6.    You Still Enjoy the Therapeutic Benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol is recommended for the treatment of numerous medical conditions. The substance can help treat diseases that are symptomized by pain, anxiety, seizures, inflammation, etc. You can also use it to regulate your mood, appetite, and circadian rhythms, as well as boost your energy.

Smoking CBD hemp flower does not take away any of these benefits. If anything, its fast-acting nature and higher bioavailability mean you can benefit from CBD’s medicinal properties more effectively compared to other methods of CBD consumption.